we are passionate about teaching.
At Adrian College we are also much more than teachers. We are mentors, influencers, and advisors. We are the most important support system for learning for our student community. Students enroll in our classes partly because they know we are experts in our fields. They expect us to provide learning experiences that could have a lasting, positive impact on their lives. When we are able to deliver those experiences, we can form important connections with students that inspire them to learn about our fields as we guide them toward a successful life after college.
This ACCET website offers tools and methods that can strengthen and enhance the teaching skills needed to provide those meaningful classroom experiences. This site is a resource designed to deliver information, tips, and research-based methods that can update and enhance your established teaching approach. This site is also a virtual space for connections and collaboration, for faculty to share teaching techniques and methods that they have tested in the laboratory of their own classrooms.
At Adrian College our success is based in its extraordinary faculty. We thrive because of our ability to get students excited about our classes! While serving a diverse community of students we provide a welcoming learning environment that encourages students to take a leadership role in their own educational experience. We do this by offering the opportunities they need to practice Adrian College’s Ribbons of Excellence:
Caring for humanity and the world
Learning throughout a lifetime
Thinking critically
Crossing boundaries and disciplines
Developing creativity
Please explore this website and discover new ways to connect with students by providing meaningful learning experiences. The goal for this website is to offer faculty the tools they need to learn and grow, to become more effective teachers. The theory is that the more you develop your teaching skills and abilities, students feel more engaged, more excited, and more motivated about learning…and so will you!
This ACCET website offers tools and methods that can strengthen and enhance the teaching skills needed to provide those meaningful classroom experiences. This site is a resource designed to deliver information, tips, and research-based methods that can update and enhance your established teaching approach. This site is also a virtual space for connections and collaboration, for faculty to share teaching techniques and methods that they have tested in the laboratory of their own classrooms.
At Adrian College our success is based in its extraordinary faculty. We thrive because of our ability to get students excited about our classes! While serving a diverse community of students we provide a welcoming learning environment that encourages students to take a leadership role in their own educational experience. We do this by offering the opportunities they need to practice Adrian College’s Ribbons of Excellence:
Caring for humanity and the world
Learning throughout a lifetime
Thinking critically
Crossing boundaries and disciplines
Developing creativity
Please explore this website and discover new ways to connect with students by providing meaningful learning experiences. The goal for this website is to offer faculty the tools they need to learn and grow, to become more effective teachers. The theory is that the more you develop your teaching skills and abilities, students feel more engaged, more excited, and more motivated about learning…and so will you!